
TECACOMP PA66 ID blue 1014958

Detectable PA66 compound with high toughness.

The TECACOMP PA66 ID compound has been specially developed for the food industry. Thanks to a metal based filler, even small plastic particles are reliably detected by metal detectors. Products contaminated with foreign bodies can be sorted out. TECACOMP PA66 ID blue, based on the polymer PA66, is additionally enriched with impact modifier and features a good combination of toughness and strength.

The compound is reliably detected by metal and X-ray detectors. For better visual detection, it is coloured blue (similar to RAL 5003). The detectable compounds increase the detection probability of plastic fragments (for example, from cable ties or slaughterhouse consumables such as  mouth or weasant clips) in foodstuffs as part of the IFS/BRC risk analyses. Customers from the food industry use the compound to strengthen their HACCP concept, increase food safety and reduce the risk of image damage due to contamination of their products by foreign bodies.

The formulation with medium filling levels achieves the Ensinger Detection Level MID and has been tested by RONDOTEST GmbH & Co. KG. The special filler concept prevents surface corrosion (e.g. under salt spray test). The polyamides are characterised by outstanding wear resistance, a good coefficient of friction, very good temperature resistance and impact strength. Other properties include high mechanical damping properties, good sliding properties and good chemical resistance. The compounds are approved for food contact (FDA and EU 10/2011).

TECACOMP PA66 ID blue is available as a compound. Tensile test bars and sample plates (80 x 80 x 3 mm) are available for tests. For detection tests directly at the end customer's plant, an Ensinger Detection Kit can be helpful.



Chemical designation
PA 66 (Polyamide 66)
1.29 g/cm3

Main Features

  • x-ray detectable
  • detectable via metal detector
  • Explanation of food contact according to FDA and EU 10/2011 on request
  • high toughness
  • good heat deflection temperature
  • resistant to many oils, greases and fuels

Target industries


Technical details

  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-0-lvl-1
    Mechanical properties Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Tensile strength 63 MPa DIN EN ISO 527-1
    Modulus of elasticity
    (tensile test)
    2800 MPa DIN EN ISO 527-1
    Elongation at break (tensile test) 20 % DIN EN ISO 527-1
    Impact strength (Charpy) 120 kJ/m2 DIN EN ISO 179-1eU
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-1-lvl-1
    Thermal properties Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Glass transition temperature 5 - 72 C -
    Melting temperature 260 C -
    Service temperature 170 C short term -
    Service temperature 110 C long term -
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-2-lvl-1
    Other properties Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Molding shrinkage 2,1 % longitudinal DIN EN ISO 294-4
    Molding shrinkage 2,2 % transverse DIN EN ISO 294-4
    Water absorption 2,3 % 23 °C / 50 % relative humidity up to saturation DIN EN ISO 62
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-3-lvl-1
    Processing parameter Value Unit Parameter Norm
    processing temperatures 270 - 310 C -
    Mould temperature 80 - 110 C -
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-4-lvl-1
    Predrying Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Permissible residual moisture content 0,1 % -
    Drying temperature 80 - 120 C -
    Drying time 4 - 8 h -